Our work

We are a non-profit organization developed with the ultimate purpose of supporting victims of human trafficking. We work to provide freedom to captives and support those who are in the process of recovery or protection.

As part of our task, we unite with established households, which are dedicated to rescue these children and adults who have been victims of human trafficking.
In Eve’s, we work to provide teams of social workers to help psychologically and emotionally the victim of Human Trafficking.
Our vision to empower the lives of children rescued from human trafficking in providing them a safe home, health, food, and education in this way vindicate their lives and encourage them to aspire for more.

Our mission to empower survivors of human trafficking:

    • Collaborating with local agencies
    • Providing safe homes
    • Providing food, health services, and education
    • Educating the community regarding human trafficking
    • Providing resources for the self-support of agencies







What do we do?


We work in conjunction with established homes which are dedicated to rescue children and adults who have been victims of human trafficking.

Support for

We provide support and training to caregivers of children.


We provide food and basic necessities to the households that work with the victims.


We support the construction of new care centers for victims of human trafficking.