Eve’s Project 1040: Empoderando Vidas y Luchando contra la Trata de Niños
La trata de niños es una sombría realidad que persiste en nuestro mundo actual. A pesar de los avances en la sociedad, millones de niños siguen...
What is child labor?
Child labor is understood to be any activity carried out by a child under threat and on a non-voluntary basis. Many of them are forced to work...
Did you know that porn and human trafficking have been partners for years?
The pornographic platforms transmit content that has mostly been created by the users, these are identified on the platforms with false identities...
Porn Continues to Gain Ground. When will we all put an end to it?
Did you know? Children in the US begin viewing pornography at an average age of 11. Child pornography is one of the fastest growing businesses...
Child labor is not only in the movies
This year 2021, there has been a significant change in what child labor is concerned and that is that it has been reduced to 38%. But we...
Main countries that consume child pornography
At the end of 2021, the terrible and accused website called Pornhub, the most recognized in the sale of pornography, published its consumption...
Pornography is one of the most profitable industries, with almost $100,000 million annually, according to the US finance website Business Pundit. In...
How social networks affect human trafficking and how to prevent it with the parental tools that cell
The Internet is not the same as it was born in 1982 when it was only used to know more information than what we could have at our fingertips in a...
How are pornography and human trafficking related?
What does pornography do in the human mind? The effects of pornography on the human mind can vary depending on the individual and their relationship...
Beyond the Shadows: My Journey into Uncertainty
My name is Kumari, and I am 23 years old. I come from a family with few resources. My father fought tirelessly to send me to school. In my final...